Showing 7 Result(s)
an image showing code versioning

Get familiar with basic Git commands

When I first started using the terminal and writing commands, it all felt very complicated. I worked with a senior developer at that time who knew all of these commands, what they do and what do the errors mean. To me that looked like an impossible task and something I’d never be able to master. …

female developer wearing a yellow hoodie looking at a recipe website

Vue | Components & Props

We can think of components as blocks of code which we can use in different parts of our websites – again and again. They help us display code in a much neater way and are great if you need to split a massive site into smaller chunks. Components will live within their own folder inside …

a computer screen in a darkened room with a coffee cup in front of the screen

Vue | Directives

In the most simple words, directives are basically built-in commands, of sort, that have some magic logic behind them to make them do special things ? What do Vue directives look like? When you’re looking trough a bunch of HTML lines, directives could be easily identified as they all start with ‘v-something‘. Unless it’s a …

laptop on a dark background

Vue | Getting Started

A couple of months ago I’ve started learning Vue.js ?‍? over at CodeCademy and then moved over to Udemy once that was done. Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, like view) is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. I was a big fan of AngularJS or Angular2 if you will, but never really got into React, just didn’t click with …

notebook on the desk next to a pencil and a pair of glasses

The MoSCoW Method | Prioritization Techniques

MoSCoW technique, also known as the MoSCoW method or MoSCoW analysis, is a prioritization technique mostly used in software development, project management and business analysis. It helps teams reach a common goal with all stakeholders being on the same page, as well as giving them an overview of project-must-haves. Let’s have a look at what it all means for …

a laptop laid down on a wooden desk

Your Cheat Sheet To HTML Editing | Beginner

Learning HTML is often the very first thing you come across when learning to code. There are many free resources you can use to help you get started. Follow along and we’ll go through basics of HTML together ? Table of Contents: Headings and Paragraphs Ordered and Unordered Lists Links and Hover Colours Comments Embeds …

difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations

Starting Your Coding Journey | Beginner

Back in 2012 I wanted to spice up my old (very basic) blog with some new colours and backgrounds, maybe even some new fonts, however, I had no idea how to do it and didn’t even know where to look for answers. It’s been a long time since then and I wanted to share some …